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A 10-Step Guide To Deep Cleaning Your Workplace During The Covid-19 Pandemic.

Discover the 10 steps you need to create a cleaning program that thoroughly disinfects your workplace, follows the CDC procedures, and is simple to do.  I'll show you a step-by-step plan that gets you great results.

Here's What You'll Discover Inside

- The 5-CriticalCleaning Products needed to get the job done right.
- The most important(but most commonly missed) element by doing a pre-cleaning walk-through routine
- The "secret weapon"disinfectant against COVID-19
- More than a dozen Pro-Tipsto learn from experienced professionals and get the best results.
- Special Bonus- A chemical and product inventory check-list to easily track what you have and what is left
- Why wearing protective gear matters and the top4-effective waysto protect yourself.